More than an IT service provider,
your IT department

Apposite operates as an in-house IT department, and offers to manage the customer's entire IT operating requirements on a fixed-price basis.
The interests of both parties are thus linked: incidents are charged to the service provider, not to the customer.
It's a 100% win-win proposition, which means quality work, a long-term vision and no surprises for the customer.

Our commitment

Managing your servers, networks and all your computerized systems

Create an IT environment that serves your business, never being a constraint

Support your users in their day-to-day IT needs

Support you in your digitalization projects

Ensuring the security of your systems by all means, against external threats, human error or technical accidents

24/7 presence to meet the most demanding requirements

A team of dedicated people

Sujevan Apputhurai

Project Manager

Kévin Borgeaud

Head of Development

Théo Carlin

Support technician

Grégory Cavin

Head of Support

Merhawi Ghebre Selassie


Dylan Guiducci

Support technician

Céline Laforge


Olivier Laforge

Associate Director

Pierre-Olivier Pellissier

System engineer

Mathieu Vandensteene

Project Manager

Philippe Weber

Associate Director